It's not the end of our trip...From Beauvais Paris we flew to Trapani, Sicily. This island was the best place I've ever visited! Not only was there so sunny and hot, also the nature was incredible, for me totally exotic: palms, orange trees, everything was blooming... Oh, I almost forgot: in plane we met such a funny steward Cicio, right now our favourite. Also, there were two polish guys, with whom we reached Etna ;)
First night we spent in Marsala, then we moved to Palermo. The most crazy place all over the world!
It's hard to describe the things which occurred there. Sicilians have their own style of driving, the markets are pretty awesome, and while siesta time almost everything's closed and there is no people out. In Palermo I had my very first 'pizza italiana' - the delightful pizza I've ever eaten! Also, we saw beautiful gardens and the seaside and we took part in a procession, because of the Lent. It was something rally amazing: in the middle of market the procession just entered into! People were praying, carrying heavy Madonna and Jesus monuments, there were two orchestras and so on... On both side of the street the market still ran: people were buying stuff, making deals... Something incredible! At the night, there were Erasmus party - I had rally great time, Italians know how to party ;) Then Vuceria - typical italian party, where people gather in a place (where during day is a market) and dance. Another wonderful thing!
Saturday, we took blabla car and arrived to Catania. Oh, Catania! ^^ One of my favourite place on the island. Firstly, we visited nearest cities like Aci Trezza and Taormina. These places are marvelous! Especially at night. When we came back to Catania the same day, we went for a walk and met new crazy people. That was a night!

Puppo |
Etna, the volcano, was planned on Wednesday. We got there with Jacek and Marek, the polish guys we met in a plane. It was such fun with them: actually, they went to reach the summit of Etna, we both stayed in a shelter and tasted many various vodkas, honeys and chocolates and after that the most tasteful Italian ice-creams in Gelateria Zio in Catania... So yummy!
We were supposed to go back to Paris next day, but unfortunately our flight was cancelled 'cause of strikes in France, so the destination was Palermo. We did a hitchhiking - and after three seconds (just 3 sec!!!) there was an old man who gave as a lift. In Palermo, there were many places to visit like: the cathedral, the botanic garden, parks, Teatro Massimo and of course the market again...
On Friday, we took a bus to Trapani, then a flight to Warsaw. That trip was really good decision every! I'll never forget people we met, and places we saw. Hope, that one day I'll come back to Sicily which I already miss a lot!